Tiger Sawgill

Tiger Sawgill Mushrooms

Grow Bag Instructions


Tiger Sawgill (Lentinus tigrinus) is native to the US and is a cousin of the Shiitake mushroom. It shares the same deep, buttery flavor of the Shiitake, but is crunchy. Cook up the caps and use the stems in a dried and powdered form.


1.) Place grow bag on a table or shelf inside at room temperature (65 - 72oF) with medium, indirect sunlight.

2.) Watch the white mycelium colonize throughout the bag.

4.) Place back on table or shelf until completely colonized.

5.) Once completely colonized, cut a horizontal opening in the top of the bag. Don’t cut the top of the bag completely off. Leaving the top of the bag partially on will help keep the grow bag humid.

If there are already baby mushrooms growing, just cut an 3” “X” shaped hole into the bag where they’re trying to poke through

6.) Mist with tap water from a spray bottle 2-3 times a day.

7.) It can take 5-14 days for pins (beginning of mushrooms) to form after cutting into the bag.

8.) Mushrooms will be ready to harvest 4-10 days after pins form. The warmer the environment, the faster the mushrooms will grow.

9.) Harvest when mushrooms are white with a partially brown cap, and before caps flatten out and become soft or soggy. Cut with a knife or scissors close to the bag, or grab by the stalk close to the bag and twist to separate.

You can attempt a second fruiting by withholding water mist for 7 days. Soak the block in cold water for 20 minutes and then pour out excess water from the bag, then start misting 2-3 times a day.